Add a Policy Holder

Not sure how to add a Policy Holder in Tops Ortho? Here's how:

  1. Open the patient chart.
  2. Click on the Insurance 1 tab and click Choose Policy Holder.

3. Enter the Policy Holder's last name and Search; if there are no Policy Holders with the correct information, you must enter the info yourself; to do this, click Create Policy Holder.

4. If the name is the same, the policyholder information will automatically populate with the Account Holder's information. If this is not correct, fill in the fields by clicking on each and typing the correct information.

5. If insurance is paid to the doctor, use Pay-To [Benefit Assigned]. If insurance is paid to the policyholder, use Billing Only [No Benefit Assigned].

6. If you are entering the Social Security number for the policyholder, do not include dashes. Policy Holder Payroll # is used if the policyholder is a member of a union.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the Patient Relationship to PH field reflects the correct relationship! Insurance will deny claims or issue payments to the wrong person if this is not accurate in the patient chart!

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