Enter Insurance Information for Non-Binary Patients and Policy Holders

The 2019 ADA Claim form accounts for non-binary patients and policy holders in boxes 22 and 14. Here's how to populate a check in the "U" box when needed:

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels.
  2. From the Labels dropdown, select Gender.
  3. Click the plus sign.
  4. A new label will populate with ???
  5. Click Edit Label.
  6. Type the name of your new gender label and hit Tab.
  7. Apply this gender label to non-binary patients and policyholders as needed.

You will notice that your new gender label does not have a "Meaning" associated. This means that when a claim is generated, Tops will recognize the patient/policyholder as neither Male nor Female, and will check the "U" box on the claim.

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