Tops Ortho Workstation Requirements

Purchasing new workstations? Here's what to keep in mind:

For any workstation, we recommend a minimum of 8 GB of RAM. See below for details on situations that may require more than that.


You can purchase any Mac laptop. All of the Mac laptops come with at least 8GB of RAM and a processor that is more than powerful enough for running Tops Ortho.

The size of the laptop isn't necessarily that important unless your practice is running more than about 8 chairs in the clinic. The larger 16-inch machines will better display more columns in the Tops Ortho Appointment Book for those machines where displaying the Appointment Book is a must. Otherwise, the MacBook Air is a great choice!


Any iMac works with Tops Ortho - even the base model - as long as it’s just for running the TopsOrtho application. If you plan to run Tops Ortho on it along with other applications, you want to make sure that you increase the RAM to 16GB. Otherwise, you’ll be fine.

Remember, if you plan on purchasing an iMac for the front desk, make sure that you purchase a keyboard with the full number keypad—your front desk team will thank you!

Mac minis

All Mac minis come with the required 8GB of RAM. This base model is for only those limited-use Tops Ortho Workstations, where you’re not uploading lots of images or running other applications. If you are using multiple applications other than Tops Ortho concurrently, we recommend 16GB RAM.


You can use any combination of Mac mini, MacBook Air/MacBook Pro, or iMac in your office. We recommend an iMac at the front desk and in the Consult room and for the clinic, whatever hardware your delivery units have space for. 

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