Identify Patients in Extended Treatment

Would you like to see patients who have been in treatment longer than expected? This information is available in the D7 Patient Care Tracking report in Tops Ortho.

  1. Go to Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking.
  2. From the dropdown menu on the top left of the report, select Extended Treatment...

  1. A calendar window will display; the default will be today's date. If you would like to see who was in Extended Treatment on a past date, select that date. Click OK.
  2. On the top right, refresh the Doctors, Tx Coordinators and Location filters by clicking off of your desired filter and back on it. For example, if you want to see patients from your Main Street office only, click off of that office and back on it.
  3. The report that generates will show you everyone who has surpassed either their minimum or maximum treatment length estimates.
  4. This report shows a wealth of information. Click and drag the columns to display in your desired order:
    1. Patient name
    2. Financial Status
    3. Dental Classification
    4. Tx Status
    5. Tx Disposition
    6. Tx Phase
    7. Tx Method
    8. Age
    9. Months in Status (how long the patient has been in their current Tx Status)
    10. Next Expected Appointment
    11. Next Scheduled Appointment
    12. Contract Total
    13. Tx Start Date
    14. Tx End Date
    15. Estimated minimum number of months of treatment
    16. Estimated maximum number of months of treatment
    17. Months Remaining (the first red number is the months past the minimum; the second red number is the months past the maximum)
    18. Number of broken brackets/applicances
    19. Number of Tx Visits
    20. Number of Emergency Visits
    21. Total Visits
    22. Value per Tx Visit (this will not display unless the patient has a treatment end date entered)
    23. Value per Total Visit (this will not display unless the patient has a treatment end date entered)

PRO TIP: Click on the "Months Remaining" heading to bring the largest numbers to the top. Most likely the patients with large numbers did complete their treatment, so use this information to fill in missing Tx End Dates in their charts. Doing so will "clean up" this report.

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